Saturday, September 6, 2008


It is starting. The forces of hate and fear are amassing to try to turn this election into another Republican distortion of reality.

US Congressman Lynn Westmoreland of the Third Congressional District of Georgia has publicly called Barack and Michelle Obama “uppity”.

Westmoreland, age 58, born and raised in central Georgia, is now incredibly denying that this word has any racial connotations.

Nonsense! People from this generation (I am one) know that the word “uppity” is routinely followed by the word “nigger” (please excuse me), and means a darkie who is reaching out of his proper, low station. A guy like Congressman Westmoreland who was raised in a mill town in Georgia during the 50’s and 60’s certainly knows it.

Congressman Westmoreland is announcing that it’s open season for racism.

Make no mistake, if they come against the blacks, they will come against the gays, the Latinos, and anybody else they view as offending the eye.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was raised in Atlanta. My high school years were lived through the first stirrings of the Civil Rights movement. I remember Governor Fabus (?sp) of Arkansas creating such chaos that Eisenhower had to call out the National Guard to escort six year olds into grade schools. (Fabus actually closed all schools in Arkansas the following year to keep 'them' out.) I remember when Bull Connor, the Chief of Police in Birmingham, Alabama unleasing attack dogs on other six year olds. I remember part of the sit in training, which was to sit passively while a trainer put out a lit cigarette in your ear. Why, because all these people were 'uppity' and the whites who supported them were n.... lovers, unworthy even of contempt.

Of course if one congressman makes this a public statement, what do you think is being said in the hallways out of view of the media? I cannot imagine what is being planned as an attempted coup de grace to keep an 'uppity' out of the White House. How little do we think about the most serious issues, such as who will have the sense to refrain from starting a 'limited thermonuclear war' (an oxymoron if I ever heard one)? The New York Times web site today (9/6) had a lead article noting that after much investigation and many interviews with Pastors, it appears clearly apparent that the decisions of Ms. Palin are 'guided' by the Bible. What does 'guided' mean? When I was a child it meant closing your eyes, opening a Bible at random and pointing to a line. Suppose at a crucial time she is guided by the Biblical words 'let them suffer the fires of Hell'?

Maybe she should be come 'uppity' and begin to rely on her own judgment? Will she? Can we take the risk? Can the world take the risk?

Please vote. Please vote with your mind. Please remember the statement I think attributed to Pastor Dietrich Bonheffer, who staid in Germany during the Hitler years and was hanged at Flossenberg Concentration Camp two weeks before the war ended. (I've changed the lines to fit the occasion and truncated it as google will let me write no more.)

First they came for the 'uppities',but I was not an uppity so I did nothing.
Then the came for the Gays and Lesbians, but I was not Gay or Lesbian so I did nothing.
Finally they came for me. And there was no one left to protect me.

Bill W